BBA – Healthcare Management

Program Description

The Healthcare Management major concentration designed to provide preparation for management positions in the healthcare industry. Courses in the major address current management issues and challenges confronting professionals in the health care field. Core courses provide a comprehensive exposure to the foundation principles of business.

Healthcare service managers are in constant demand. A combination of work experience in the healthcare field and strong business and management skills lead to the best opportunities. Within the healthcare management program, you will utilize that foundation of healthcare experience and build upon it in terms of leadership and business fundamentals for advancement.


Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the healthcare management program will be able to:

  • Describe effective management strategies needed to achieve successful outcomes in the healthcare system.
  • Discuss various healthcare delivery models, including entitlement programs, health management organizations, and private insurance.
  • Apply business skills in the areas of health are budgeting and finance, human resources, strategic planning, marketing, health information technology, and quality management.
  • Employ ethical practice and legal responsibilities in the management of the healthcare setting.
  • Relate broader issues of healthcare economics, policy, regulation, and risk management.
  • Describe the impact of global health care issues on both the local healthcare market and a global setting.

BBA – Healthcare Management (120 Credits)

Prerequisite Courses (3 Credits)
HCM 1100 Introduction to Health Care Management
For more information on this major concentration, please refer to the University Catalog.