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New Year, New Career

The holiday season at the end of the calendar year is a time when people often take stock, review and evaluate the year that is ending, and look to the future to determine what comes next.

As we head into this holiday season, what are you reflecting on? What changes would you like to make in 2022?

Are you an adult dissatisfied with your job and yearning to make a chance – to move up the corporate ladder, find new opportunities for employment and discover ways to be happy while you work?

new career

Are you a professional cruising along your career path with an eye toward climbing higher, toward the C-suite? Think a graduate degree will help you get there?

Or are you a high school student, hearing your parents natter away at you to decide what happens after you graduate? Think of the options – trade school, gap year, a vocation and yes, college or university to take you toward a bachelor’s degree.

No matter where you are this holiday season, use the time off to recharge, rejuvenate and reflect on your life. It goes by fast! Are you making the right choices, following the right path?

If not, it’s easy to pivot.

One reason we start a new semester of classes every eight weeks is to give people opportunities to make change easily, quickly and affordably. In just a few weeks, on January 3rd, we will kick off a new Cleary semester of classes. For some of our students, that will go until spring, but for many it will be eight focused weeks of learning. That means adult students who always wanted to finish a degree can jump in and get started ASAP!

Let us help you move forward.